Abel F. De Leon

Abel F. De Leon

Abel F. De Leon (M.Ed.) has a deep and profound passion for creating better futures for children through excellence in education. Abel has served in grades PK–12 as a teacher, dean of students, dean of academics and principal. All three School of Science and Technology schools at which Mr. De Leon has served as an administrator are “A” rated by the TEA and have a focus on STEM learning as well as character education. His adoration of education has driven him to receive a bachelor's (summa cum laude) in psychology with a minor in business from the University of Texas at Austin and a master's in educational administration (magna cum laude) from Texas A&M University at Commerce. Currently, Abel is transitioning to the position of Director of Marketing and Communications for SST schools and is eager to extend his impact to include all SST campuses.

Abel F. De Leon's stories