Mariah A. Diaz

Mariah A. Diaz

Mariah A. Diaz is currently a high school senior. For the first 9 years of her education, her mother and grandmother drove her 7 miles away to another school district because LAUSD didn’t provide high quality options were she lived. She was a stellar student until her first year in high school when she was falling through the cracks. Her mother pulled her out of that school and found a high quality private high school. In her 2nd high school, she thrived. She is involved with several clubs and is a student athlete team member in volleyball, softball and swim team. Mariah discovered her interest in art early in grade school. Mariah is currently receiving college acceptance letters and is excited about the future. She has joined the blog community to provide a student’s perspective for parents and motivate students to strive for their dreams and never give up.

Mariah A. Diaz's stories