Take Action

ACTION: Thank a Black Teacher


This Teacher Appreciation Week, we're partnering with the Center for Black Educator Development to celebrate the often overlooked work of our nation's Black teachers and to encourage YOU to take a moment to #ThankABlackTeacher.

Although 15% of U.S. public school students identify as Black, Black teachers account for only 7% of public school educators. This disproportionate rate of Black educators in American Public schools is made worse by the fact schools struggle to retain the small number of Black teachers we do have.

Studies show that the graduation rate of Black students increases by 33% when they have at least one Black teacher between third and fifth grade. And, research has also made clear that it's not just Black students who benefit from having Black educators.

In Partnership with CBED, we recognize the need to uplift and amplify the work of Black teachers this week, and all year. We know that #WeNeedBlackTeachers, and an important part of retaining the ones we already have, is making sure they feel appreciated for the revolutionary work they do.


#ThankABlackTeacher for Teacher Appreciation Week