Black community in her hometown. She doesn’t care if that school is run through a charter or is managed by the district, as long as it is providing a good option for the families who for too long have been underserved. With her background in the education sector, Vesia also keeps a watchful eye on Tennessee’s efforts to provide equitable education and accountability to low-income kids and students of color, especially as the state complies with the new federal education law, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Vesia blogs about all this and more at Volume and Light Nashville.">
Vesia Wilson-Hawkins

Vesia Wilson-Hawkins

Vesia Wilson-Hawkins is a former Metro Nashville Public Schools student, parent and staffer. She is a staunch advocate for better public school options, particularly for the Black community in her hometown. She doesn’t care if that school is run through a charter or is managed by the district, as long as it is providing a good option for the families who for too long have been underserved. With her background in the education sector, Vesia also keeps a watchful eye on Tennessee’s efforts to provide equitable education and accountability to low-income kids and students of color, especially as the state complies with the new federal education law, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Vesia blogs about all this and more at Volume and Light Nashville.

Vesia Wilson-Hawkins's stories